
9 Articles by: Ed McNally

Ed McNally is a doctoral student at the University of Oxford and a trade union political officer.

Apologizing for Solidarity with the Palestinians Has Only Fed the Smears Against the Labour Left

Jeremy Corbyn became Labour leader in 2015 as a veteran anti-war activist, only to have to spend the next five years apologizing for his supposed “racist allies” and “terrorist links.” The sacking of Rebecca Long-Bailey shows how the space to criticize Israel has narrowed — but also how the Left has failed to defend its own right to call out injustice.

Remain’s Imperial Realism

Tory Brexiteers’ talk of a “global Britain” is a mere fantasy of returning to the glory days of empire. But even left-wing Remainers are pushing the case to maintain British military supremacy — and using it as a stick to beat Jeremy Corbyn.