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Issue No. 35 | Fall 2019

From Socialism to Populism and Back

Weekly Sisyphus #1

Unpredictable transformations are taking place within the Chinese labor movement. How will US workers respond?

Resenting Hipsters

The fetishization of work feeds the politics of resentment. It’s time to instead embrace the language of economic and social rights.

Take This Job and Share It

The one-sided focus of most socialists on distributional questions has obscured the fact that the animating principle of the Left is not so much equality, but freedom.

Book-Marx #6

Early 2011 provides hope for both the Arab masses and freelancers earning 30 pence a word scribbling away about “Twitter revolutions” for the Guardian.

Book-Marx #9

It’s getting warmer, Osama bin Laden is dead, bankers are creeps, and we’ve finally found time to update our blog.