The Day That Shook the World
The story of November 7, 1917 — the day the Bolsheviks changed world history.
A series to mark the one-hundred-year anniversary of the Russian Revolution.
The story of November 7, 1917 — the day the Bolsheviks changed world history.
Over the course of 1917, the Petrograd Soviet transformed from a body willing to negotiate with capital to one ready for revolution.
The story of the Baku Commune’s leaders, who pursued power democratically and nonviolently, belies many of the myths of the Russian Revolution.
The Bolsheviks' rise to power, one hundred years ago today, revisited.
One hundred years ago, why did the alliance between General Lavr Kornilov and Alexander Kerensky fall apart?
The October Revolution was propelled by mass dissatisfaction with the erosion of February’s gains.
The Bolsheviks wanted to avoid the Paris Commune's fate. That’s why they didn’t take power in July 1917.
The revolutionary violence of 1917 paled in comparison to that on the fronts of the Great War.
Antisemitism was found across the political divide in Russia’s year of revolution.
An excerpt from China Miéville's new book, October: The Story of the Russian Revolution.
Women weren’t just the Russian Revolution’s spark, but the motor that drove it forward.
The forgotten Finnish Revolution has perhaps more lessons for us today than events in 1917 Russia.
In the standard account, February was the good revolution and October was the extremist one. But events in Russia were far more complex than that.
What did a young Antonio Gramsci think about the Russian Revolution?
Lenin arrived at Finland Station 100 years ago today, reshaping Bolshevik strategy and the course of the Russian Revolution.
Rebellion on March 8 shouldn't just belong to the past, but to the future. Subscribe to Jacobin today for only $19.17.
Russian workers went on strike on International Women's Day 1917. They ended up toppling tsarism.
The February Revolution erupted 100 years ago today and swept away a blood-soaked monarchy.