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Issue No. 7-8 | Summer 2012


China in Revolt

Few in the West are aware of the drama unfolding in today’s “epicenter of global labor unrest.” A scholar of China exposes its tumultuous labor politics and their lessons for the Left.

Fairer Sex

Let us borrow a definition from bell hooks: feminism is the struggle to end sexist oppression.

Sarah Lawrence, With Guns

We asked a former West Point professor about teaching literature at the nation’s most prestigious military academy. What he told us revealed the truth behind the country’s most elite warrior caste — and how liberal heroes like Thoreau and the Beats inspire the next generation of “Runaway Generals.”

Terror Verde

Of far more legitimate concern than the impending subversion of world order by greenwashed commie terrorists is, of course, that the fabrication of such threats contributes to a blanket delegitimization of environmental activism.