When COVID-19 Meets Health Inequality
In cities like Chicago and its surrounding Cook County, the coronavirus pandemic is turning longtime health inequalities among prisoners and poor neighborhoods into a nightmare.
Dennis Kosuth is a socialist and a member of the Chicago Teachers Union.
In cities like Chicago and its surrounding Cook County, the coronavirus pandemic is turning longtime health inequalities among prisoners and poor neighborhoods into a nightmare.
The recent Chicago Teachers Union strike put adequate school staffing at its center, including putting a nurse in every school. A school nurse explains how the union won that demand.
Schools need nurses. A key demand by the Chicago Teachers Union in their strike that kicks off tomorrow, rejected so far by Mayor Lori Lightfoot: putting more nurses in the city’s schools.
The Chinese revolution turned seventy this week. If you were looking for reflection on the meaning of that revolution today, you wouldn’t find it in mainstream media coverage.
30 years ago, the Chinese government began its massacre of hundreds of student and worker activists at Tiananmen Square. The government wants to erase this history from memory, because they fear students and workers again taking to China’s streets.