Requiem for a Lightweight
Markos Moulitsas was once the face of American progressivism. That shouldn’t happen again.
Dan O’Sullivan’s work has appeared in Gawker, Et Tu, Mr. Destructo? and American Circus . You can follow him here.
Markos Moulitsas was once the face of American progressivism. That shouldn’t happen again.
Chaos reigns…fascist stooge finds his balcony…the resistible rise of Donald Trump…bomb crater America finds its Dauphin…Hillary Clinton: 10.0 Richter scale failure….the pinko revolt begins….digging ourselves out of the collapsed gold mine….
Trump should be a wake-up call — a frightening enough harbinger that the American dream is a dead end, leading only to failure, frustration, and thoughts of revenge.
The story of pro wrestling in the twentieth century is the story of American capitalism.