
10 Articles by: Cal Winslow

Cal Winslow’s latest book is Radical Seattle, the General Strike of 1919. His books include E.P. Thompson and the Making of the New Left and Labor’s Civil War in California.

Save the Redwoods

Corporate logging has destroyed much of California’s once vast and majestic redwood forests. As environmental crises collide, the imperative to save the remaining trees is stronger than ever. That means challenging those who profit from the trees’ destruction.

Defend California’s Redwoods

The destruction of California’s once vast and magnificent redwood forests is entwined with American expansion westward, violent dispossession, and the ravenous commodification of nature. The remaining redwoods demand our protection.

No Neutrals in Harlan County

Mineworkers and their families in Harlan County, Kentucky, have blockaded the railroad tracks of a deadbeat employer. It’s a reminder of the county’s heroic history of struggle and solidarity.