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The Lack of Hospital Beds Is a National Crisis

America is experiencing a massive shortfall in hospital beds, harmful to both COVID and non-COVID patients needing care. But the pandemic didn’t create the hospital bed crisis — it exacerbated an existing one that our government refuses to address.

Nina Turner Is Coming Out Swinging — Again

This week, Nina Turner announced a second run for Congress in Ohio’s 11th District. She spoke with Jacobin about fighting pro-corporate Democrats, frustrations with the Biden administration, and why “evil never sleeps, so good can never take a vacation.”

Amazon Is Addicted to Union-Busting Tactics

A judge made Amazon rerun the union vote at its Bessemer, Alabama warehouse due to the illegal strong-arm tactics it used against workers. The new vote is about to take place — and Amazon is still using the same methods.

Mike Parker, a Life Well-Lived on the Left

Mike Parker, who died earlier this month, was far from a celebrity. But in his six decades on the Left and in labor, he was everywhere, from the Berkeley Free Speech Movement to auto factory shop floors to independent leftist electoral campaigns and the rebirth of American socialism.

Good Luck Protecting Democracy Without Unions

New research shows that unions don’t just boost wages at the workplace — they bring a broad range of social benefits. Simply put, if you don’t have strong unions, you probably don’t have a strong democracy.

Nazism’s Political Victims Should Never Be Forgotten

Hitler’s forces killed almost a million civilians because of their political affiliation — most of them socialists and communists. Yet official commemoration in Germany and beyond rarely grants proper recognition to the Nazi mass murder of worker-militants.

NFTs Are, Quite Simply, Bullshit

NFTs are emblematic of capitalism’s growing retreat from productive activity — and the wealthy’s desire to extend their dominion into the digital ether. They’re worse than useless.