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Tony Benn Lives

Legendary British socialist Tony Benn passed away eight years ago this week. From democratizing the economy to campaigning for peace, the causes he fought for are as relevant as ever.

Race Marxism Is a Very Strange, Very Bad Book

James Lindsay has a best-selling book out called Race Marxism. Reading the book, you soon learn that Lindsay has a shallow understanding not just of Marxism or racism in the US but the classical liberal tradition he seeks to defend.

It’s Time to Cancel Ukraine’s Foreign Debt

Ukraine owes billions of dollars in foreign debt, most of it to international finance institutions, banks, and hedge funds. If Western governments were serious about helping Ukrainians amid a devastating war, they would push for those debts to be canceled.

No, Crypto Isn’t Helping Ukraine

In times of war, stocks in weapons companies have always been a safe investment. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has shown that wars are also a big opportunity for crypto bros — another group of disaster capitalists profiting off other people’s misfortune.