T-Shirts, Drunk Passed Out Guy Sex Help, and Miscellaneous
Dear all,
This long con is finally starting to pay off. Getting attacked by Andrew Breitbart, Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck over the course of 48 hours was nice. Hate mail poured in. Tens of thousands of new people visited our site. All of them, presumably, became radicalized on the spot. We sold a lot of T-shirts. The proceeds are going to straight to costs involved with printing words and hosting events.
Alas, we made enemies. We were hit by some SEO spammers who injected our database with search engine porn bait. Do a Google search for “site:jacobinmag.com neoliberalism” and you’ll find descriptions like “naruto hentai pics without a membership,” “drunk passed out guy sex,” “sexy lover nicknames pet names,” and the closely related “ideas for teens to make money.”
We’re not necessarily against any of the above, but I imagine this will soon corrupt our Google pagerank. And since Jacobin contributors spend on average sixteen hours a week Googling themselves, we can’t let this happen.
Most of the offending code has been removed, but if any talented subscribers care to comb through some php, we’d greatly appreciate the assistance and may even send some of those T-shirts. Hell, I might even make up a “sexy lover petname” for you. E-mail us.